TITLE: TCP/IP across Access Server DOCUMENT #: TB.S.3-144 DATE: October 23, 1992 PRODUCT: Access Server and LAN WorkPlace for DOS PRODUCT VERSION: Access Server 1.2 SUPERSEDES: 3-144 dated June 26, 1991 SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM It is possible to make a TCP/IP connection to a UNIX host via the Access Server by using a Novell ODI driver and Novell's LAN Workplace for DOS? SOLUTION This can be done either of two ways; with the "Network Option" or the "RAM DISK OPTION". For both options: 1. You must insert a second adapter (which must be an Ethernet NIC) in the Access Server and have install LAN WorkPlace for DOS. One NIC will be used by IPX.COM for the Access Server software the other (which must be Ethernet) will be used by TCP/IP. 2. Add to the Access Server's AUTOEXEC.BAT: LSL NE1000 (NE1000 is illustrative only) TCPIP TELAPI CD C:\ACCESS NASKEY NASAUTO IMPORTANT: SET enviroment variables for USER and XLN path. See the LAN Workplace for DOS Administration Guide for details. All persons running LAN Workplace for DOS on the Access Server will have the same IP address. To login to a UNIX host the user must have the LAN WorkPlace for DOS installed on the server with a mapping to the XLN\bin40 subdirectory. XLN\BIN40 should contain the TNVT220 application which opens telnet session using VT220 terminal emulation. NETWORK OPTION 1. Copy to the boot drive the following files: NET.CFG (Refer to the DOS ODI reference materials for proper configuration) The ODI driver for the Ethernet NIC (check DOSUPn.ZIP in NetWire Library 5 for the latest ODI drivers) MLID driver LSL.COM TCPIP.EXE (from LWP for DOS) TELAPI.EXE (from LWP for DOS) NE1000.COM (Use the proper driver, NE1000 is illustrative only.) 2. Be careful to have the RAM address, if any, used by the Ethernet NIC is excluded in CONFIG.SYS. 3. Boot the Access Server. The Access Server will then be prepared to communicate using TCP/IP and IPX. RAM DISK OPTION 1. Copy to Access Server's boot drive the following files: NET.CFG (see sample below) LSL.COM TCPIP.EXE TELAPI.EXE NE1000.COM (Use the proper driver. NE1000 is illustrative only.) TNVT220.EXE KBDDATA HOSTS RESOLV.CFG EXTMAP PCTOHOST.MAP HOSTTOPC.MAP T4_DEF.PAR XT4_DEF.PAR 2. Modify NASAUTO.BAT by adding the following lines: MD %2:\XLN MD %2:\XLN\BIN40 MD %2:\XLN\TCP MD %2:\XLN\HSTACC COPY \TNVT220.EXE %2:\XLN\BIN40 COPY \KBDDATA %2:\XLN\BIN40 COPY \HOSTS %2:\XLN\TCP COPY \RESOLV.CFG %2:\XLN\TCP COPY \EXTMAP.BIN %2:\XLN\HSTACC COPY \PCTPHOST.MAP %2:\XLN\HSTACC COPY \HOSTTOPC.MAP %2:\XLN\HSTACC COPY T4_DEF.PAR %2:\XLN\HSTACC COPY XT4_DEF.PAR %2:\XLN\HSTACC 3. Increase second RAMDRIVE by 2 in CONFIG.SYS 4. Boot the Access Server. SAMPLE CONFIG.SYS for both options device=A:\access\qemm386.sys maps=32 handles=64 vrems i=A000-AFFF x=CC00 x=c800-c9ff i=ca00-cbff i=d000-dfff device=A:\access\nasdisk.sys /P18 /S device=A:\access\nasdisk.sys /P18 /S FILES=25 stacks=0,0 device=A:\access\lptdrv.sys device=A:\access\standio.sys shell=A:\command.com /e:1024 /p SAMPLE AUTOEXEC.BAT for both options @echo off SET NAME=TCP SET EXCELAN=F:\XLN C: CD C:\access C:\LSL C:\NE2000 C:\XLN\bin40\tcpip C:\xln\bin40\telapi -st 10 -sn 10 naskey nasauto SAMPLE NET.CFG for both options Link Support Buffers 8 1586 MemPool 4096 Link Driver WDPLUS Port 300 20 Mem 000ccc000 2000/10 Int 10 Frame Ethernet_II Protocol TCPIP IP_ADDRESS nnn.nn.nnn.nnn {replace n' } IP_ROUTER nnn.nn.nnn.nnn {with appropriate} IP_NETMASK nnn.nnn.nnn.n {address } TCP_SOCKETS 8 UDP_SOCKETS 8 RAW_SOCKETS 1